'' dispatch to all units! We have a loose clown driving one of our paddy wagons''

'' 345 pursuing the paddy wagon! Are there officers in the vehicle?'' ''That is affirmative 345! They are unable to respond due to the high speed.'' ''346 also responding...'' ''342 right behind you'' ''Pursuing units this is dispatch. There is a roadblock up ahead. Its cow area after that.'' ''Right dispatch. that will slow him down!''

''Mad Clown STOP your vehicle''.... I don't this he is listening lieutenant...he is not stopping...

''Oh no.. cow intersection... crap...'' thought the clown...

turning the wheel too fast and hit the breakes too hard...

''The clown tries to escape...'' ''STOP!'' ''I know what will stop him... time to use the new net gun... although we haven't tested it yet on animals...''

''Freeze clown!'' Ok boys, since them clowns have all the keys to our handcufs and locks, clap him in irons!'' ''Where did you get these sargent?'' ''From the museum.''