Although it has few allies and a dwindling fighting force of old ladies and clowns, the Clown Army still presents a dangerous fighting force. However, they need to find a way to turn the tables of the war, or else they might be defeated. A polar bear defector tipped them off on some technology that could do just this; turning the tide of this fun, modern war dramatically. An insane clown scientist, code name Mizey Boy, was working on a way to draw reinforcements for the Clowns from a source only he could access…
In the early morning, San Fransisco fog, four suspecious characters wander down a dark alley. A Speedo dad, a suspecious cowboy, a clown agent and an old ladies agent. Following the directions from the polar bear, they find themselves at a dead end.
“Are you sure we followed these right?” the cowboy said.
“Of course. There must be a door around here somewhere…” the Speedo dad said. Just then, a western town drunk road by on his horse. As he passed along the wall behind them, he tossed a small object down.
The object was a very small clown, who blew on his trumpet and shuffled up to them.
"What's the password?" the clown hissed.
"RIP Butcher Shorty..." the Speedo dad whispered.
"Correct..." The group followed the clown into a narrow passageway off of the alley. An electic sign pointed the way through the darkness.
“Here” said the clown, “Is what the polar bear told you of…”
The clown let out a single blast of his horn as they stepped into a large room. Before them, a bright blue orb glowed across the floor.
“The portal…” the Speedo dad whispered.
“Yes, this is the way we’ll turn the tide of the war, by bringing in clown warriors from every circus in time and space!” The clown shrieked.
"Yes! This is it---" the agent paused mid-sentence at a startling noise. The sound of orangutans could be heard echoing across the high vaulted ceiling. The group leapt forward--in to the portal.
To Be Continued…
Edit: corrected a captioning error