(some technical explanations);
Lacquer Black with gold crests were very popular too with samurai armies.
quote wikipedia "During the Edo (1603 - 1867) period, many Japanese foot soldiers (ashigaru) wore 1 piece front chest armor (Breastplate and front tassets only) "hara-ate dou" (munition grade) which were Lacquered iron plates
(replacing the earlier 'dou' which were of lamellar constructed strips of
lacquered hardened leather offerring reasonable protection
against arrows, swords or spears but were no longer enough with the introduction of guns (the samurai were one of the most enthusiastic users of firearms and produced more guns than any European country in this time frame!
the sashimono('back' flag) bearer (a samurai who has proven his loyalty and fighting skills) wears a small protective metal plate (perhaps its better than nothing when a sword comes down on his head
) sewn onto his hachimaki (white head scarf)