not only can kids see beer commercials during the super bowl...they can also see singers performing and ripping off their duet partner's clothes live... 
True, lol. But let's hope geobra doesn't produce that set!
But it's like Bill says, one way kids work through the troubling things they see in the world around them is through play. I remember reading an article shortly after the twin towers fell, where a woman wrote about walking through the park and seeing children piling up stacks of tires and one would be the airplane and run into them as the others jumped from the top. She felt it was very sad to see that. And it is sad. But that is how children deal with the real life things they see happening around them. Seeing those images on TV is scary, and it's on their mind. Instinctively, they start recreating what they saw through play, and after playing it enough times, it doesn't seem so scary anymore. Playmobil allows kids a way to do that, to sort things out in their minds. Sometimes I think it works that way for some of us adults, too.