Over on his topic about the take-a-long pick-up, Ras said something about the driver's ugly T-shirt that started me thinking. Why does Geobra usually go for the tacky look? Look at that driver's T-shirt - it screams "I'm a hick that can drive over anything with my big bad truck!". The same goes with the chopper that I bought, with a klicky that looks like a perfect Sunday-Peter-Fonda-wannabe. Or the big blue cruiser, with "Saint Louis" written on the bike and on the biker's back. And both riders come with the Prince Valiant hairdo. I understand that Geobra tries to imitate real life, but do they have to usually imitate the weirdos ?
Sometimes I think they take the caricaturization overboard. Yeah, these are toys aimed at children, but why go overboard and tacky? A 5yo does not know who peter Fonda is, so why use that particular look ?
I agree. Must've something to do with Germany and fashion sense. The worst culprits, fashion-wise, are the klickies in the recent Xmas market set: they're wearing some knit-wear straight out of a Burda catalogue circa 1982. And then there's - in that thread about the multi-etnic families - one of the dads who's dressed like a total berk, in (if I remember correctly) a tie/shirt/baseball cap horror combo.
Having said that, an actual Easy Rider/Peter Fonda set would have been so cool.