It's just sometimes the words on the shirt are dorky.
That's the problem. The klicky goes from cool to dorky because of a silly T-shirt (the same as human beings, BTW). The don't have to be plain T-shirts all the time, but why can't the writings or figures be something less pathetic?
You really saw one that says I boys? That's so funny!
It gets much worse than that in fact I am afraid . A lot can be told about a person from the clothes he/she is wearing expecially if they have words/ messages on them. I find so many of them so tacky and hilarious and vulgar and stupid really , they usually make me laugh these T-Shirts ( well those who wear them really )
Words like FIT and SPORTS make sence when you think of the size of the printing. Words like that defines the whole idea of the clicky itself.
That is one of my points is that it is very limiting how one can use such Klickies. It is ridiculous to have a tee-shirt with a big souped up truck on it in the wild west era . The only theme it fits in is in modern. The biggest selling point of playmobil was interchangeability. With a simple click a construction worker became a knight and then back to a cowboy.
But some hats, hair and legs are not interchangeable either! You can't wear a helmet for this FIT lady for instance.
I prefer the more detaled klickys myself, rather than the old classic itnerchangeable ones.
But some hats, hair and legs are not interchangeable either! You can't wear a helmet for this FIT lady for instance. I don't hear anyone complainning about that! options and variety are good guys!