OK, well here's my idea. Let's see if you guys think it's a good one.
In this thread I want people to post pictures they take of their klickies out in the "real" world. Not at home, surrounded by their little plastic comforts, but out among the "big people." Take em with you vacation, sightseeing, to work, wherever! Just take a picture of them to share with the rest of us. And if you can get a picture of yourself with them, that is cool too!
I am going to get us started with some older pictures that I have taken during vacations or trips with my little guys. Many of you will have seen them before elsewhere, but they will be new to some of you. And hopefully they will inspire you do the same.
First off are some pictures of Blackbeard battling for his life, where else, but on Ocracoke Island, N.C., where the real Edward Teach was hunted down and killed by Royal Navy Lt. Robert Maynard.