Some of you may already be aware of an issue that has come up in regards to posting pictures of our playmobil on this site. There seem to be two major hosting sites that most people use when posting pics here, Photo Bucket, and Image Shack.
The problem that is occurring is that for some unknown reason, our members in South America, or at least some of them, are no longer able to see pictures hosted by Image Shack. This is extremely frustrating to these members, as seeing each other's pictures is one of the major benefits of this site. We would like to ask everyone who is using Image Shack to please try to switch to another hosting site. This way, our friends will not be left out of these discussions.
I understand that some people are having some issues with photo bucket. If it has been a while since you tried using photo bucket, I suggest that you try again, using their new bulk uploader tool. It is much easier to use than trying to locate pictures off your computer one at a time.
If you have tried recently and are still having problems with photo bucket, please explain the problems you are having, and maybe someone here can help you work out what is wrong. Also, if anyone knows of another free, trustworthy hosting site besides these two, tell us about them, so we can try them as well. Thank you everyone for your cooperation.