In Sir Baldthar's Chambers...
''Supreme Commander, King Kellanved requests an audience with you Sir..''
Sir Baldthar looks upon the King but he does not stand up to greet him...
Estos speaks: ''Sir Baldthar, We have come to ask your aid in the security of the kingdom. Good King Kellanved is personally here to show his good will and friendship''
Sir Baldthar says nothing, he only turns and lookt at the King who gives a little smile back at Sir Baldthar...
''Still the same heavy mannered man I always knew, eh dear Sir?'' said the King.
''Why do you need Estos to say all this Kellanved?'' asks Baldthar, his voice deep and steady...
''He feels the need to say them Baldthar, he believes he knows how to speak to you, and that is probably correct.''
A small *sigh* by Estos as he turns around the other way feeling embarashed he made his King look like a fool...
''I need noone to speak on my accord dear Sir'' cries the king and swings his staff...
''Don't raise your tone to me King...'' says Baldthar by standing up and drawing his sword...
''Hey hey enough...'' cries Estos. ''Sir Baldthar the Malevolent Duke has threatened to attack us again, and he has allied himself with the Golden Dragon, and since the Ballance is disturbed, we come to ask you to join us, you know the Gold Dragon is very bad news and...'' he stops talking as both Baldthar and King Kellanved turn to look at him...
''He still talks that much eh? says Balthar with a small smile''... ''Always.'' replies the King...
Sir Baldthar turns to the King... ''The Golden Dragon is a force of magic, he and the Green dragon hold the fabric of this land together... they represent natural ballance between good and evil... the same ballance I have sworn to protect. Why did the Golden dragon turns towards evil?'' he finally asks...
''I do not know Sir Baldthar...'' replies the King ''..but until we ask the help of the Green Dragon you must join us. He is certainly more inclined and bound to talk to you about this matter, so we need you! If the Green Dragon decides to stand by our side, you are free to return to your duties and not take part in this conflict...''
''So be it!'' says Sir Baldthar and extends his hand to the King... ''I will help you, and if we don't get adequate answers from the Green Dragon, rest assured, you'll have my aid!''
''Lieutenant, have my horse and armour be brought to me at the gate, I am leaving the Citadel to help our good King.''
And just like that they were off to the gate...