BTW, excellent photos of the rescue team. Is the sky put in afterwards?
Sorry Gordon , missed this entry completely
No, there is no photo manipulation on these pictures -- as nearly every time in my Playmobil pictures (apart from cropping and scaling); the sky is taken from modell railroad supply. It's a large roll with only sky printed on it. It's a little bit blur because I used a long focal length so depth of field isn't large (although I tried to compensate with a small aperture combined with long exposure time -- about 3-4 seconds).
Thank you for showing us your wonderfull custom. I was really impressed with the decals and must take this opportunity to thank you for mentioning us to the supplier. I have been looking for suitable decals for my fire service for quite a long time now.
Oh yes, I've also looking for this quite a long time (to be accurate since the Jan 19th 2005
). My very first customizing, after I had rediscovered my faible to Playmobil, I never showed because an important detail was missing due to the lack of a suitable decals -- now I have it , so it will be shown here in several days