You, of all people, don't think a warrior klicky is cool?
Cool, quite a few entries so far !! I shall wait for anotehr day and then start the post . WoT your pick is a warrior klicky may i suggest you pick one with a most pacifist / peacefull character???
A squire is hardly a warrior,Besides, I picked him for the actual klicky.If you take away the sword in the picture then he is a simple civilian.
Ok Sir Wot, he is into the voteing !!!
oh! that's so strange! first time I see an x after the set number on playmodb
As you probably already know, Playmobil has re-used many of their very old set numbers for newer sets. Putting an "x" at the end of the older set number is the way that Heather deals with the recycled set numbers so that she can include both the old and the new sets on Playmodb.
Thanks, I didn't know that! thought the use a new number for the re-used sets, unless they only changes the box ilustration.