Accompanying the Vikings were a trio of serpent riders! The defenders bravely looked out at the advancing horde... I will spare you the gory photos of the battle's aftermath, this is after all a board for families...
Suffice to say the Vikings kidnapped the Lion queen, sold her back for ransom, joined the Lions against the clans, and at the end of the day, had control of the castle as the Lions, barbarians and clans slaughtered each other upon the field of battle. End result: Sirena, and to a lesser extent Merboy, were victorious, Captain Henry was forced to retire to lick his wounds and prepare for the next battle, because oh yes my friends, there WILL be another battle!
So I have also added some detail shots of my forces to show some of the custom leaders and troopers I have come up with. First a general view of the Dragon Clan, and a detail of the archers behind their pavises.