I'm storytelling, with or without pictures ... There's always stories. And characters. Which makes some things difficult, because it's very hard to disassemble the characters, and there are some I simply cannot, so, I usually lack parts for doing new stuff
But, slowly, it goes on!
I usually share here only the characters related to my material collection, however, I also do a lot of creation thinking characters from sets I don't have ... It all began (again, after a while, since late '90s) back in 2008, when I found Collectobil.com in the internet ... My first generation is the traditional KLICKY medieval '80s collection, I gave names to all of them, and made stories. Then, I began buying playmo again, and came up with Elmo & Fletcher (who had their names and stories before they arrived
.. even though lots of new stuff happened to them after they arrived, of course).
So, it's stories