i don't worry too about the number i have ... 3 rooms !! one room for one theme ? you have a great huge casttle but i don't see other theme from you in time . only knight maybe ? for me the problem with the big diaporama is to clean the house because it's rather long to do and when we can do picture there's "poussiere" (the translator translate the same as in french but i have a doubt ..) everywhere !!
Hello Sire, my biggest collection is mediaval with vikings , magic and dragonland included . Then have a lot of pirates ( 12 ships, 3 islands, 2 lighthouses, various old and new sets ) , romans and egyptien ( 3 pyramids, 5 ships of each over 800 klickies , almost all are still boxed ) , western ( old and new ) and a few modern ones expecially from the mid 90s . Aw and some redcoats that soon their numebr wil multiply ....