HF = 21g/$3.29 = 6.38/$
My initial impression was that I disliked this figure, as his color scheme doesn't go with anything else in the Dragon World theme, he lacks a shield, his silly y-fronts hide the excellent printing on his body & legs, and of course he has a stoop due to poor packaging. I'm also not fond of the gold color used for boots.
The gold boots are however matched nicely by his gold cuffs, shoulder pauldrons, coif and helmet, and the black of his trousers goes with the horns, collar and y-fronts, and his silver sleeves match the body printing. The wings might have looked better in black.
Taking him as a Prince rather than a normal warrior, he's not expected to get in with the heavy fighting so maybe leaving out the shield can be understood, but at $3.29 a pop I'm only getting one of these for now.