Just another general question: Aaron and I have been on a ridiculous PM buying binge since November and I want to stop, or at least contain it better, because the rational side of my brain is telling me that there are more "responsible" uses for our income. Does it ever stop? Does anyone have any tips on keeping this addiction under control
you want a real advise? ask a therapist, no fan message board on the internet will be useful
Ha So true. The real problem for me comes in when I make an exception in my budget for something else - like planning a trip, and then the trip falls through. Even though I hadn't even saved the money yet all of a sudden I start thinking...well if I took the money (I don't have) I was going to spend on the trip (I'm not taking) then I could buy these cool Playmo items. It's when I start acting on that kind of thinking I get into trouble.
Plus, we would have a giant covered stadium so everyone could set up their collections on huge tables & never need to take them down or move them! Plus we'd have our own on site Playmobil dealership!
plan me in