Sorry Jenna, I have no sane advise to give
I cant contain myself
But, you can control your urges if you prioratise which sets you need the most, categorise them according to your interests, likes and dislikes, be sure you concentrate more on the themes you like/love the most. Most certainly, if you want to complete a whole theme, buy each set x1 first and then move to the next. As time goes by and resources permit it, you can buy a second or third time the set you love/need the most...
As for 4211 (I took the liberty of correcting the number as you had typed 2411) these fairy tale book sets were only available for a year and probably parents have bought a lot for their children. Who wouldn't love to re-enact Hansel and Gretel, or Snowhite, or Cinderella for their kids? These are sets that a parent can use to spend some really quality time with their kids. As for collectors, these sets were greatly sought after for their unique parts and klickies