At $3.29 US, how can they produce a toy this good?!
When I received and assembled this one, I couldn't believe the quality. The helmet has a fold-down eye shield. The rifle has a clip (ours came with two) to attach the flashlight. His belt has a pistol holster attached. He wears a (removable) gas mask and bullet proof vest as well as black gloves and boots. And the grappling hook is well made with a handle for him to hold on the opposite end. There is also a small clip on his vest to help hold the grappling hook rope in place over his shoulder. He handily holds all of his own equipment.
This SWAT Officer nicely rounds out an Emergency Management set that I cobbled together in a small glad storage container.
Other members of the set include:
4227 Rescue unit with dogs
4269 Policewoman with thief
7447 Police accessories
plus an old man in a plaid hat for extra interest. The small rectangular lid to the storage container serves as a police van or ambulance, as needed.
This set is played with *very* frequently.