Thanks for posting the pictures hadoque!
I like these new pirate sets! While I can’t say I like them better than some of their predecessors, they do look very good overall. The old large ship with new colors is welcome, so that each warring nation (France and Britain in my case) can have its own large flagship. I like the original ship’s colors a bit better, but this new ship’s color and design is a huge improvement over the last Fischer Price-style pirate ship. The new fortification looks good and will fit nicely with the lighthouse. I’m also very thankful for the new British flag and the new deck on the small ship. Both will be immensely useful. The new British soldiers look very good too. I have a feeling my British fleet and army will be growing when these sets are released.
I’m glad to see the Western sets making somewhat of a comeback, but I too wish they weren’t take-along sets. They are a bit bright, too, but they’re better than nothing. The klickies look very good.
The cavemen sets look interesting and have some very useful new parts.
I’m not thrilled about the new future theme sets, however, as they look quite similar to the Secret Agent theme, of which I’m not a fan.