The pirate ship is in NICE WOODISH YELLOW.
Yes, I think so too!
(though not to exclude my usual pessimistic remark: it could also be GOLDish, like the cabin's windows at the stern are on the 3940 )And the hull looks like a very appropriate brown colour.
So, probably a woodish yellow/lightbrown deck with a darkbrown hull... finally decent, realistic colours (a bit like British ships of the line around 1800 !!).
Not taking in regard the red steering-wheel, but that's a detail. Edit: wheel might be brownish afterallStill wondering about the cannons below deck though... On not one picture the 1990-like gunmouths are sticking outside their gunports...
If fakes, I hope they're exchangeable with the real cannons.
The upperdeck of the ship looks exactly like the 3940 - even the double access doors to below-deck seem the same.
Only difference I can see momentarily, is that the stairs to the aft-deck are now part of the deckmould and not longer a seperate part.