Author Topic: How many do you actually buy  (Read 5703 times)

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2011, 00:34:16 »
I think it entirely depends on the item. Some are worth bringing back; others are not. Personally, I have my doubts about the beer barrel (sorry everyone), but there are a LOT of people who collect medieval theme, so maybe it would sell. But I'll put it this way. I would hate to see it be one of the first things they try out, because if it fails miserably, they may be less likely to listen to us.

The victorian fence on the other hand (which is already back) is much more likely to succeed. There are also a lot of people who collect victorian theme, and even though the fence is a strange color, paint fixes that. Add to this the fact that it is a set likely to be used in multiples. A person might be very likely to want quite a bit of fencing for a diorama, maybe dozens of sets worth. but unless someone is doing a custom wine cellar (which would be cool) large quantities of beer barrels are not likely to be needed for one diorama. The fence also could be used with many other themes, as this type of fencing is still very common in the real world, making it useful in all modern themes.

I guess what i'm saying is we need to be cautious in what we request first. Some things would be nice to have eventually, but maybe should not be what playmobil uses to test out the market. If we demand items that are too obscure and too collector-specific, they may fail and playmobil may stop listening.

As far as what is already happening, i have not bought the victorian fence yet, but it is very high on my wish list and I am extremely likely to end up with quite a few of them. And I do not even collect the victorian theme.
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Offline Donmobil

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2011, 00:40:39 »
Hi Danmobil

Your example actually shows that Playmobil should not re-release old items but continue making new ones as those are the ones collectors are buying in greatest numbers.

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"

My point was how many sets I have bought that were available, to show Playmobil and others that people like me are willing to buy sets in large numbers not only in current sets but re-releases of past sets that were discountinued before I started buying.

In my experience with DS is that it is not as effective as it should be.  How many parts are stored that most do not know about.  You put in a call to them and they look up the piece and tell you how many and the price, but if you do not ask...

There should be an online list with parts available for one to look at what is there and choose what they need.  I would also like to see a section on DS where one could list the parts they need.  This would let Playmobil see what consumers want and consider making them, this should include sets people want and would buy if they were re-isued.

-- Donmobil

Offline Indianna

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2011, 15:32:59 »
Excellent topic and discussion - thanks for getting this started, Rasputin!   :wave:

Right now, there is no way to determine whether demand for any particular set or item comes mostly or entirely from "collectors."  As bonniebeth has already pointed out, the online fan forums, such as Playmofriends, are probably just the tip of the iceberg.  Many people who buy a lot of Playmobil may not even self-identify as being a collector.  I don't call myself a collector even though I probably own more of the stuff than a lot of people who do consider themselves to be collectors. 

What does it even mean to be a collector?  Some people like to buy and display MISB sets while other folks just want to get it out of the box and display it or play with it.  Others are buying it for their children (that was my own particular slippery slope  ;D .)  Some folks use Playmobil as part of a particular hobby such as wargaming, filmmaking, miniature customizing, etc.  Because there are so many different kinds of "collectors" there are also many different reasons why a person might buy multiple sets or mass quantities of a particular part.  All these different types of uses also make it difficult to predict which sets or parts will be most desired by all of the different types of collectors.

Different types of collectors will want different things.  The MISB collectors will not want exact re-issues of classic sets Like the Victorian mansion, fence, car, and truck because that would affect the value/rarity of their own collection.  On the other hand, a lot of people who want to play with their Playmobil really want those sets.  A simple solution is to re-issue this type of set in bags or plain brown boxes and sell them directly from Playmobil (Direct Service.)  Also, the whole "Steck, steck, steck" cry is not about wanting a set like the 7377 pirate dungeon - I already have more than enough skeletons, dogs, buckets, battlements, etc. but I do have a peculiar fondness for that grill door (only available in these "carcel" sets) and I might buy more of them individually as parts, if that were possible.  I think the particular need/desire here is for unusual parts (such as the Steck balcony, the large beer barrel, clogs, milkmaid's thingie, lectern, etc.)

There is a very easy and efficient way to find out what items "collectors" will buy:  just ask them.  If Playmobil were to gather information about all of their customers around the world who order directly from them (whether by mail, phone, or online) and keep that information in a database then they could begin to develop profiles of the "collector" community.  They could also ask those customers about their store purchases.  They could ask those customers what they would buy if it were offered.  As an incentive to provide this information to Playmobil, the company could offer something in return.  They already provide free shipping for orders above a certain value as well as free stuff like keychains, etc.  Playmobil needs a way to directly link the customer and his/her particular wants and needs to that person's actual purchases in order to fully develop the different "collector" profiles.  One very efficient way to accomplish this would be to establish a Playmobil-based collector's club through which the members make all of their direct purchases and to which they could report all of their store purchases (even ebay purchases.)  This type of data could be very useful to Playmobil's marketing department and the most efficient way to gather it is at the point of sale.

U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Indianna

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2011, 15:39:44 »
My point was how many sets I have bought that were available, to show Playmobil and others that people like me are willing to buy sets in large numbers not only in current sets but re-releases of past sets that were discountinued before I started buying.

In my experience with DS is that it is not as effective as it should be.  How many parts are stored that most do not know about.  You put in a call to them and they look up the piece and tell you how many and the price, but if you do not ask...

There should be an online list with parts available for one to look at what is there and choose what they need.  I would also like to see a section on DS where one could list the parts they need.  This would let Playmobil see what consumers want and consider making them, this should include sets people want and would buy if they were re-isued.

-- Donmobil

I totally agree with everything said in this post!

Another thing:  the new Victorian Fence is yellow to match the newer houses, isn't it?  I would only be interested in buying it if it were the original cream color, and therefore, a true "re-issue."  It is good to have the fence available in this new color to go with the new houses but that doesn't help us folks who have the older houses.   :'(
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 15:47:01 by Indianna »
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 16:23:04 »
Excellent ideas everyone! This topic does ask some perplexing questions about what impact collectors have on Playmobil's decisions on production, & there are so many ways for PM to find out what desires, the adult sector wants! IMHO, Playmobil is finally attempting to capture the adult collectors market, but doing so in a very reserved approach so it doesn't fizzle out! It is true that most collectors want reissues of retired items to contain the exact contents as their originals, & it really doesn't matter to them about lowering an originals value. I personally don't collect Playmobil to see it increase in value like gold! I enjoy the products, but MISB items I don't have due to my failure to keep things sealed! I subcomb to temptation so value goes out of the window! A perfect example is the Victorian fence as mentioned, it's a different color to match the newer versions, that many serious collectors would consider a dud! I don't like the idea that if you want to match the old version, you would be required to paint them! Is it inconceivable to issue 2 versions at the same time since the molds are the same, but doing so in one of each respective color? The large beer hideaway barrel is another subject that depends on collectors tastes. I would buy maybe 1 to 3 at the most, but 10 to 30 no way! But put the 3526 fire engine back into production with everything the same as the original for $30.00, & I'd be tempted to buy at least 10, because of my attraction to that particular set :love:! The original 7786 small ladder fire truck classic edition did not interest me in the least! I did not even consider purchasing it for any reason, but a lot of people like it due to their association with it through their childhood, but I'm sure not many bought multiples of that set! Everyone has preferences, & it will be difficult for Playmobil to fill them all, but I applaud them for trying, & asking for our opinions!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Indianna

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2011, 17:36:33 »
. . .  From what I remember Playmobil has a minimum of 10,000 units per run ? . . .

I was remembering that number, too - does anybody remember where that number originally came from?  Does anyone know more about this minimum number?  For example, does it mean a factory run of 10,000 identical parts or a retail order of at least 10,000 sets?  Does this minimum still apply?  Playmobil has made many improvements to their factories over the past decade and they may have more flexibility now.

Here are some interesting articles about Playmobil's recent manufacturing upgrades:
An article about injection molding
Another article
One more

U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Elric

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2011, 17:52:14 »
If the beer barrel comes available I would buy no more than five. I bet they would sell like hotcakes. Mainly because I believe some people would buy extras to sell at a later date when its no longer available.

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2011, 17:54:01 »
I'd buy ten beer barels for my inn diorama!!!  ;D ;D ;D Also, I loooooove beer!!!  :**:

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2011, 17:55:11 »
I might seriously consider buying about two dozen in order to do a zorro scene in a wine cellar.
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Offline Indianna

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Re: How many do you actually buy
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2011, 18:08:08 »
The Hobbit movie is being made now, so how about a bunch of barrels for the dwarves to escape from the Mirkwood Elves?   ;D
U.S.A.      Massachusetts