Does hot glue get hot enough to damage the plastic? I've always been afraid to try it for this reason.
i use both high temperature and low temperature glue gun glue (cuz it doesn't matter) on my playmobil. The playmobil plastic is tough and does not melt from the glue itself.
I did, however, accidentally leave my glue gun on once, and a pirate klicky with earings was touching the tip of the gun on my counter, and when I came back after several hours, his earing was melted and fused to his head, lol. But that was from prolongued direct contact with the hot glue GUN. The hot glue itself won't melt your playmo, as it also cools (and hardens) quickly and not enough time to melt anything or transfer enough heat to the plastic to melt it.
And it peels off pretty easily too when you wanna remove it. It's not really bonding the plastic the way real glue does. It's just making a tacky filling between the parts.