Author Topic: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules (and explaining how you can participate)  (Read 7753 times)

Offline Gis

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The time for the Winterhaven Jousting Tournament is getting closer and many of you are anxious to see what will happen and how it will happen. Therefore I decided to post the tournament rules I will be using. Also, if you want to have some influence over your Champions progression in the tournament, you can!! (you can make the die rolls instead of me, see the fourth part of the post).

But first: The Tournament Rules

Match Structure

The object of the competition is to unhorse your opponent if you manage to do this, you have won the match. If you have not managed to unhorse your opponent you get points based on the location of your hit.  You continue to take passes at each other until one person has unhorsed his opponent or managed to score 3 points in total. If the match is tied at 3-3 the first person to have a higher score then his opponent wins the match. Of in some freaky way both competitors are knocked of their horse, the person who scored more points in the previous passes is declared the winner. If this also results in a tie, the competitors have to get back on their horse and go at it until one has more points.

Of course unhorsing your opponent is a celebrated way to win a match so next to the victory you will also receive honor. However by hitting your opponent’s horse or his head you are risking injuring the horse or your fellow combatant and will result in losing some honor.

(For each pass each combatant rolls two six sided dice and adds the results, the result determines the hit)

(2) Hit Opponents Horse, 0 Points, -1 Honor
(3,4,5) Miss, 0 Points
(6,7,8) Hit Shield, 1 Point
(9) Hit Body, 2 Points
(10) Hit Head, 2 Points, -1 Honor
(11,12) Unhorse, Win, +1 Honor

Group System

The 32 competitors will be divided into 8 groups of 4. There will be 6 matches in each group after which the two competitors with the most victories will move to the single elimination rounds. If two or more competitors are tied for 2nd place the tie breakers will be as follows:

1)   Honor
2)   Point difference (points scores – points opponents scored)
3)   Result between the combatants

Knock Out Phase

There will be 4 rounds to the knock out phase; Round of 16, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals. People that competed in the same group are only able to face each other in the finals.

Your participation

You can participate by going to this website
There you will need to fill in the following:

1)   Where it says “Roll” you select “2” for the first drop down box and “6” for the second drop down box.
2)   Then go to “Roll this set of dice” and choose “50”
3)   For the “Send the signed results of this roll to yourself:” Fill in your own email address if you want to receive the rolls by email.
4)   At the “and the GM:” please fill in my email address which is
5)   Finally at the “with this subject:” please put “Jousting – <playmofriends name>” (for instance: Jousting – Gis).
6)   Then click the “Roll the dice” button.

I will use these results to see in which group you will be participating as well as how your fights will go. They will not be used in this order though so the outcome will still be a surprise.

If you are willing to have some hand in the fate of your champion please do this before Monday the 27th of December 7.00 pm CET. If I have not received them I will generate rolls for you myself at that time!

The Future

I have tried to keep these rules simple and straight forward. I know others are planning on doing a similar tournament and there are many things we can add. Like experience points for battles won ranking systems….the sky is the limit. I just want to make sure this works before making it more complicated. For those interested in running something similar I am more then happy to discuss these matters and make it a whole league type kind of thing 

If you have any questions just shoot me an PM or email (make sure it’s marked “Jousting” somehow)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 01:10:32 by Gis »

Offline tonguello

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2010, 19:12:30 »

This is so exciting!!  :love:
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Offline shirona33

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 21:36:25 »
 :hmm: Did I right? I hope I unterstand all right!  8}

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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2010, 21:42:06 »
Done here too  :knight:

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2010, 21:42:59 »
Done.  :hellol:
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Offline Tiermann

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2010, 21:48:06 »
Gis you might want to make the thread title clear that we are doing the actual die rolling now

Offline el jefe

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2010, 22:09:59 »
Hey Gis, I like the rules, but I don't want to roll myself.  I'm perfectly fine with you doing it.  Thanks for all your hard work and GO Unicorn CHAMP!! :xmascheer:

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2010, 22:29:16 »
Gis you might want to make the thread title clear that we are doing the actual die rolling now

Yes, the first time I looked at this thread, I didn't read the whole thing and missed that we needed to go ahead and roll. It wasn't until others started answering that I caught on.   :-[
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Offline skypurr

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2010, 23:11:05 »
Hope I've done it right.

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Offline Skypurr Jr.

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Re: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2010, 23:20:46 »
 :knight: Done!  :knight:
  :knight: Skypurr Jr.  :knight:  
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