Again, I have to thank Arnaud for these designs.
Though all the printing and cutting goes to me.

I decided since Richard was such an excellent figure
that I really wanted his tent to be something special!
So Arnaud sent me an email with these pictures:

I quickly sized them, then printed them out onto some regular paper for testing.
This is the result:

As you can see it is pretty good, but there are several tears
and a few crinkles that I didn't really like.
Plus the paper was really flimsy, so I decided to go a different route.
Originally, I had thought that I would stick the two tent pieces in,
and then the design would print on those,
But that would be very tricky to get precise so I scratched that idea.
I then remembered a different sort of paper that we had,
It was much stronger and thicker,
and best of all, I could use my leather punch to punch holes in it
without ripping what I was punching.
So I tested it, and these are the results:

You can see the difference between the two pieces,
The new design on the left, and the old one on the right.

Then I put my new tent into a display I am making and voila!

I hope you like it.