Author Topic: Looking for Knights - Three more Jousters needed in the Winterhaven tournament!  (Read 4336 times)

Offline cowabounga

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Can someone - maybe Panos himself-, explain to me why WolfKnight didn't choose the WolfKnight ???
Panos, will you be re-christened as EvilKnight in 2011?

Life in the so called space age...

Offline Wolf Knight

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Can someone - maybe Panos himself-, explain to me why WolfKnight didn't choose the WolfKnight ???
Panos, will you be re-christened as EvilKnight in 2011?


Glad you asked Arnaud  :)!!! Its a long story so if you can bare with me for a few minutes, here is my answer... Gis already knows of course... or does he  ;) ?

The  3315 - Black Knight (who is not an evil knight in my book, and indeed at the red dragon interactive story from playmobil you'll see he is close to the good king of 3268 - Knights' Empire Castle) that I chose for the tournament is the klicky that brought me back into collecting playmobil in 2006...

This klicky reminded me of a Paladin character I had played in a Dungeons and Dragons game back in 2000 and I had named that character Baldthar. This name is a combination of the following two names: Baldwin IV of Jerusalem (1161-1185), and Lothar (a fictional character from the Warcraft PC strategy game, also know as Supreme Commander of the Alliance, Lion of Azeroth, Knight Champion of Azeroth, Champion of Stormwind, Knight of the Realm, King's Champion). Baldthar fell from grace (because he refuse to slaughter a whole infested village as he was ordered to do so by his order) but did not turn evil, he is a Lawful-Neutral (d&d definition) character and he devoted himself to justice,always walking a fine line between good and evil...

The 3315 klicky has features that characterise them as evil, yes, but he also holds the double axe...In Yoruba (Nigeria, West Africa) mythology, the double blade axe symbolizes Orisha Shango (god of thunder and lightning).The god of double bladed axe represent the quick and balanced justice (i've studied social and cultural anthropology).

As for changing my username Arnaud... I don't think so... I thought about it for a while... It was indeed my intention to use the name Baldthar here at Playmofriends, but since it was a name I used in Playmoboard for the three to four months I was a member before it closed down, I thought that a playmobil knight faction name would be more appropriate here, not to say that Wolf Knight signified a new beginning for me (ok I also love these bronze colour wolf knights  :love: )!  :knight:

Offline cowabounga

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Hey Panos!
I knew you'd answer fast! Thanks for the explanation, I'd been wondering for a while...

PS: What are the odds to get 50 times 12, when rolling 2d6 fifty times? Did I get lucky?
Just kidding! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Life in the so called space age...

Offline Wolf Knight

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PS: What are the odds to get 50 times 12, when rolling 2d6 fifty times? Did I get lucky?
Just kidding! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now that I'd like to see...  :lol: