Author Topic: Looking for Knights - Three more Jousters needed in the Winterhaven tournament!  (Read 4337 times)

Offline Gis

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Hello this is the final call to choose your champion in the upcoming Winterhaven Jousting Tournament.

There is a whole topic here. But I thought to give a small update and do a last call.

We currently have 29 participants (2 mystery ones) and I want to have a field of 32. Here is a list of the particpants and their coat of arms as well as which are still available.

So please choose your champion if you haven't done so and particpate in the First Jousting Tournament! I have heard that other are planning to do them as well so it we might have a whole circuit on our hands :-)

For this one I will keep the rules simple and in this post I will only go into the tournament structure. I will go into the Match structure later this week when I have a bit more time.

The participants will be divided into 8 different poules of four. They will face of against all opponents in their poule. The numbers 1 and 2 will advance to the top 16. It will then be single elimination.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. The plan is that I will start with the pictures in roughly two weeks. So if you want to participate please let me know before the 23rd of December.

(more background photo stories on Winterhaven in the coming weeks as well!)

Offline Elric

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I will pick the wolf knight scalloped. 

Offline BlackPearl2006

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How do I play exactly?
Ahoy, Pirates, Hoist the Colours!

Offline el jefe

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How do I play exactly?
Just pick your champion from the ones available.  You don't have to actually own that particular knight.  Gis has them all.  Other than a name and background story for your knight, Gis is doing all the work. (thanks Gis) :xmascheer: :xmascheer:

Offline Gis

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Thanks for covering for me el jefe :-)

And I am really enjoying it! So my pleasure :-)

Offline bonniebeth

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You don't even really have to do a backstory, do you?
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Offline playmofire

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Hmmm, with two knights in the tourney, my money is on Gis!   :lol:
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Offline Gis

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Well they are the resident Knight of Winterhaven and the Crown Prince of Winterhaven so the3y are essential for the story :-)

I "might" have another knight that will be entering the tournament because I really "really" like him :-) But more in that in the near future.

Offline BlackPearl2006

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can i pick number 19?  the purply pink armoured baddy?
Ahoy, Pirates, Hoist the Colours!

Offline Gis

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Yup he's still avail Atto...Ill contact you through PM about the details!