Author Topic: What is the BEST way to organize and store Playmobil?  (Read 20555 times)

Offline surfergirl

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Re: What is the BEST way to organize and store Playmobil?
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2010, 22:16:55 »
I'm lucky...I have a whole room dedicated to my collection of over 1300 sets.

I keep them all in their original boxes and the instructions in a seperate folder in theme order. The parts of each set are stored in zip-lock bags of various sizes, in the original box, and then in clear plastic 'reallyusefulboxes'. The vast majority of plastic boxes are the 84 litre ones and then the 145 litre boxes for the large sets (school, 1900 mansion etc). I cannot separate the sets into theme order in the plastic boxes as it would take too much space...the sets are simply stored in 'best-fit' order.

My storage system would not suit you by the sound of it as you don't want to keep the boxes but I would still recommend 'reallyusefulboxes' as they are very sturdy and stack, being clear plastic it's easy to see what is in that box.

Claire  :xholly: :wave:
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Offline Playmoholics

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Re: What is the BEST way to organize and store Playmobil?
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2010, 15:38:45 »

Fantastic question. I struggle a lot with trying to figure out the best way to organize them also. I only keep the boxes for the sets that are more or less rare, but I break them down. Everything else is stored in large storage tubs. For the smaller items, like people and animals, I have a small plastic storage container that has drawers, which keeps them organized and accessible. For the really small parts I picked up a customizable tray at the craft store, that I believe was intended to store buttons or beads.

I really appreciate all the great ideas and tips from all of you. Thanks!  ;)
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive – Howard Thurman.
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