Author Topic: New version Playmobil City Hospital & Saint Mary's Trauma Center interior.  (Read 22779 times)

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Hello everyone! The following photo story involves the unveiling of the new Playmobil City Hospital & Saint Mary's Trauma Center's interior. The hospital has a state of the art Emergency Department with trauma bay, Pediatric exam room with ultra sound, adult recovery ward, 2 operating suits with recovery rooms, surgical staff canteen, surgeons preparatory area, pediatric floor with neonatal & nursery unit. In addition to the new interior, there are 2 medevac helicopter landing areas, & a new larger EMS unloading & parking area. There are news crews, & a large crowd of on lookers to witness the new ribbon cutting ceremony even though the hospital is already in service. I hope you enjoy the new hospital's photo review.

A front overview of the facility.

A front close up of the facility.

A rear side view of the facility.

A photo of the EMS entrance & parking.

An overview of the interior of the new facility.

An overview of the onlooker crowd.

The news crews in the crowd.

A close up of the ribbon cutting ceremony.

A classroom on hand for the unveiling event.

The Nuns representing Saint Mary's Trauma Center.

Robotic doggy poop scooper's.

News van.

Taxi's on hand.

Playmobil City Emergency Medical Service crews.

Unloading of a pediatric patient by EMS crew.

A close up of the child.

Medication being given to a patient before being unloaded.

A patient being taken into the ER for treatment.

A close up of the unconscious cardiac patient.

Main hospital & ER entrance.

ER trauma bay with the trauma surgeon waiting for the arrival of the patient by Medivac 1.

Pediatric Examination Room with an ultra sound checking a child for abdominal injuries.

Pediatric unit.

Pediatric play room.

New born nursery.

Baby treatment station.

Nursery overview.

Neonatal incubator unit.

Surgical unit canteen.

Overview of canteen.

Operating Room 1.

Operating Room 2.

Surgeons prep station & pathology department.

Recovery department nurses station.

Recovery room 1.

Recovery room 1.

Recovery room 2.

Recovery room 2.

Medivac landing sites.

Medivac 2.

Medivac 1.

Patient being taken to the awaiting ER trauma bay.

I hope you liked the contribution.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 21:39:22 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Clong

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great pics. love the set up

Offline bonniebeth

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Oh my goodness, Bill! Fantastic work there!!!  :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: So full of details. I love your unconscious patients; they're so well done. And the whole pediatric area is magnificent!! You have inspired me to start in  on the hospital theme, I think.

I also love your robotic poop scoopers!  :lol:
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 16:38:44 by Bill Blackhurst »
My playmobil zoo:
In the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.

Offline skypurr

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This is incredible Bill, there is so much going on there, the detail is amazing.  :clap: :wow: :clap:
There is so much I love ... (the robotic poop scoopers made me laugh out loud  ;D)
I noticed the poor child giving his teddy to the clown to make him go away! and... my avatar's sister is right there when the ribbon is being cut!
I also loved the baby unit... 16 years ago today when my eldest boy was born he was transfered to the SCBU of a hospital called St Mary's - it made me think of that!


« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 16:39:02 by Bill Blackhurst »
          A house is not a home without a cat (or two).

Offline kaethe

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i love it!!!  i love the hustle and bustle of activity, the helipad, the ORs and the recovery room.  i must say, i have never worked in a facility witha surgical unit canteen, we only seem to get stale bread and almost empty peanut butter with stiff coffee!.  oh yes, the nuns, that is quite a flock.  who is the babe at the ribbon cutting?  this is a great inspiration, i need to get busy and work on my next additions as well.

Offline Wolf Knight

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Fantastic Bill!!! So many great details!!! Thanks for all these close ups, i've been expecting them for a while!!! So much variety...even robot poopers  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Gis

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Thats an awesome building Bill. The mix of onlookers is real nice and even though many have mentioned it the Robotic Poop Scoopers are a touch of comic brilliance :-)

Thanks so much for sharing this...I'll go back now and look at the pictures again :-)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 16:39:34 by Bill Blackhurst »

Offline basilsdad

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Soooo cool!  Your pictures are wonderful, you feel like you are right there.  Your attention to detail is superior.  I love the nuns.  :love:  Do the robotic poop scoopers clean cat boxes too?  I could sure use a few of them around here!   :lol:
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 16:39:53 by Bill Blackhurst »
"One cat just leads to another."
 - Ernest Hemingway

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Thank you everyone for the positive comments regarding this latest project! To answer the questions so far,

To bb & Clong, Thank you for your support! Be careful when you start to collect this theme, it's extremely addictive ;)! We wouldn't want to have to start a Playmobil City Hospital rehab center for out of control collection hoarders, now would we? :lol:

To Skypurr, Thank you for your positive mention of details! You caught my laughable approach to clowns, which I have witnessed not being liked by babies :'(! One reason it took me so long to post this project was through personal depression due to your avatars sisters figure actually being our neighbors granddaughter's choice, who assisted me in setting this project up! Her father has battled addiction for 20 years, & was trying to go straight with my help, but succumbed to the beasts again & took the young girl away from their grand parents home. She was to be the new hospitals director in the story.
I was born in Saint Mary's Hospital in my neighboring home town & spent time there when I was very small. The nun's who were assigned to staffing the hospital were very strict but gave excellent care to which I will always be grateful. I felt this would be a small thank you for their efforts. 
To kaethe, Thank you for the positive review! I thought of the hospital staff members I worked with in my times of EMS, & thought it would only be appropriate to make sure they were well taken care of! Your avatar is welcome to work for PCH&SMTC anytime she wants, tell her to just say the word, & she will always have a job here ;)! I can't wait to see your evolving project! I'm still trying to complete my Catscan & X-ray department for PCH, but DS delays are making it difficult :wall:!

To Panos, Thank you for the positive support! I'm finally catching up on some long overdue projects that will be posted soon if all goes as planned!

To Gis, Thank you for your kind words regarding this project! I originally didn't intend to put the robots in the pictures & when they were set up as a last minute addon, it just clicked what their job duties should be! Just think how popular they would be if we could actually make robots to do this exact job? We'd be rich & could buy more Playmobil! :evilplan:

To basilsdad, Thank you for your uplifting comments! I didn't think of putting my PM cat collection with the PM dogs in the pictures, but I'm pretty sure I can program the robots to be double duty, just for you ;)!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 15:06:02 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline bonniebeth

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To bb & Clong, Thank you for your support! Be careful when you start to collect this theme, it's extremely addictive ;)! We wouldn't want to have to start a Playmobil City Hospital rehab center for out of control collection hoarders, now would we? :lol:

 :lol: I think just about everyone here needs to go to that rehab center! Sometimes I do think I must seriously be mentally unstable to spend so much time and money on a kid's toy!  8}
My playmobil zoo:
In the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.