Part 4

Sun had risen and Unek was driving the wagon, leaving behind Blackwood and entering Coghlan County. Senghar was by his side, riding Velcar’s horse, wearing his clothes.

It was a beautiful day and from very early people was working in the fields, taking care of animals and doing their daily jobs. It was not strange to see caravans on the way to the City these days carrying goods because of the celebration.

And though everyone they passed looked curiously at them, no one really paid too much attention and continued with their work, wanting to finish fast, to go to the farewell party.

In a moment all was going to be ended and they would be free. The men’s hearts started to bit faster, and their mouths went dry…in the distance, they could see the outline of the City.
Argenland was a peaceful and pacific Realm and had a little army. People from Argenland were not “sea people”, for their land was vast and extensive and they felt no need to explore new worlds, for they were more than content with theirs.
Therefore, they had no navy nor big ships. Only small fishing boats.

For this enterprise, the King had hired foreign Ship and Crew.
Winterhaven was mysterious to them, a faraway land, beyond the Waterline, were no one in Argenland had gone before. Nonetheless, Argenland and Winterhaven had common friends, and it was a big celebration after all, so Champions from all over the world had been invited for the 100th anniversary of that foreign kingdom.
So it was a big occasion for Coghlan City, the city were the Royal family resided the biggest city of Argenland. A city that got united once more, to celebrate and to honour its Champion, its Hero.

In a few minutes they were there, passing right by the city outer walls for the city itself was not their destination.

They wished the guards wouldn’t make them stop to check on them or inspect their vehicle.

“oy!” a guard shouted. Unek’s and Senghar’s hearts just stopped.
“Hurry up! You are late!” he added.

Unek waved at him and nodded.

“Make way! Make way for the Royal wagon!” Other guard ordered.

They got to the beach and the Captain of the ship saw them from the deck and asked one of his men to bring them to the shore near the improvised dock.

When this was done he joined them there, he shook their hands and very seriously but relieved said

“You are late!”
“Sorry Sir, we know. But the goods were delivered to us late as well. We came as soon as we could. All went well and according to plan, except for the lateness. We can download your precious cargo wherever you ask us to.”
“I just hope it’s in one piece….for the sake of all of us” he added
“Yes Sir, in one piece.” He smiled.
“You have done a good job and will be rewarded. It’s better if you leave everything at the beach near the rest of the stuff and go back to Kartos this instant. Wait for further instructions there”
“Yes Sir, it’s been a pleasure working for you.” They bowed and left.

Then the Captain got on the ship again, he looked at one of his men and said under his breath “You know what to do. Let them finish their job first.”

Soon everything was being loaded into the ship.

The improvised dock was constructed to be easier for the boat to get near dry land and take all the goods to the crane that would raise them into the ship.

Barrels, bottles, trunks, food, all needed for the journey. The live animals for food and the horses for the tournament had been lifted earlier and were already accommodated in the lower-most hold where no sailor would stay. There also laid the beer barrel, carefully lifted into the ship and placed comfortably.

There were also strange big packages with signs on them that read “DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CAPTAIN SAYS SO” Surely the King’s men would inspect the ship before its departure or the gentleman for whom they were working would come down to check on his beloved horses. They had to be careful about that the whole trip. This man would check on his horses every day.
The ship was near the beach for it was a bay deep enough for a ship that size. Its name was Oscuro. There was also a smaller boat that would be tied up to the back of the Oscuro, which would hurry first with news when they were near Winterhaven announcing the imminent arrival of Sir Enok del Eden and his crew.

This vessel had a second crew of three sailors, who would stay at the main ship as passengers until it was time for them to leave. They would take no orders, nor would get any work to do for they were not considered crew members on the Oscuro.

Panos made quite an entrance. Linur was in meditation, observing the sacred fire.

“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt” said Panos agitated. “I bring bad news”. At these words Linur stood up.
“What?” he asked calmed.
“We can’t find The Keeper. Without him there’s nothing we can do for Lasher”

“Send someone to Odgen. And you go to Ostira. Find him!!!!” he shouted.
Panos run out.

“Boy, bring Uglik, right now!” he shouted to the closest servant.

Some minutes later a small girl appeared, cute and blonde. She had the sweetest little face and the most beautiful smile. She said: “what the *#$”&@ do you want? And that made Linur smile.

At the beach near Coghlan a stand had been built for King Edward and the rest of the small royal family for the short ceremony. Behind the stand the impressive ship could be seen, huge, silent, waiting in the quiet water.

The sun had begun to sink and storm clouds were invading the sky painting a blue-grey-orange background. It was quite a view.

The Royal family had been watching the huge vessel with amazement and curiosity. As well as they watched the crew. They thought they looked pretty odd, all with different uniforms, only sharing the same design for the hat.

“That’s the way it is across the sea” said Princess Esther in a “mrs.-know-it-all” kind of manner. “When you spend too much time in one of those…things…, you want to change your clothes often. The sea air makes you clothes stick to your body. And how many uniforms should they have then? So they have their own clothes and the hat IS the uniform. Wouldn’t you say they all belong to the same group?” She finished pointing.
The King took his place followed by the rest and immediately the crowd fell silent, for he was a very respected and beloved King.
With obvious joy he said:

“People of Coghlan! Fellow Argenlanders! Today is a good day. An historical day! Today the friendship that bonds us together with King Darrnald and the people of Winterhaven will be renewed and strengthened for ever. For the first time in the history of our kingdom, a fellow Coghlan citizen, will travel to those faraway lands to meet our friends and join them in a worldwide celebration! The Winterhaven Knight’s Tournament.
It is a great honour for me, my Queen and this Kingdom to send our Champion, beyond the Waterline, to our friend’s houses for this event.

People of Argenland…. I present to you…. Sir Enok del Eden!”
At these words the whole town exploded with the sound of applauses, cheers, and praises to welcome him.
Enok walked in front of the stand and took his place, humble, even shy, and overwhelmed as always by these demonstrations of love and devotion.

“Fellow citizens! It is an honour for me to serve my King and my Queen. It’s my duty and pleasure to honour them and my happiness to be part of this endeavour. I leave Coghlan full of hope and happiness, for, not only I will meet wonderful people in a fantastic experience, but also because I will be reunited with my dear cousin, who I haven’t seen in fifteen years. Sir William Blackhurst!”
At this name again people shouted and applauded, for Sir William was a beloved hero too, and son of Princess Esther, wife of the King’s brother, Sir Julius Soggy Bottom.
The King spoke again.

“Sir Enok… I present here a gift from Argenland to the Royal family of Winterhaven. Please take it and give it to them in our behalf.”

Two guards entered carrying a big wooden trunk. It seemed heavy for the way they walked. They placed it at Enok’s feet.

The champion asked for permission and opened it.

It was full to the top with huge rough diamonds. Everyone was amazed, even the Princess, who looked greedy.
“My King, I will give this treasure to King Darnald on your behalf and I’ll praise you for your generosity” They both bowed to each other.
Next Princess Esther took the stand and said.

“My dear nephew! I envy you because you’ll be able to see my beloved son William whom I’ve missed every day of my life since he left to the North Country. But I’m happy for the same reason. I too want to trust you a treasure, with the permission of our King, but to give to my son on my behalf.”

Again two guards entered bringing a trunk. This time made of wood and iron. This one looked heavier.

“This is a new armour. For I’m sure Bill is still using the one his father left him. Take it to him as my gift and beg him to wear it. It is made of gold and is very strong. I have exchanged letters with Winterhaven’s famous blacksmith Thair Caolstriker and he agreed to fix it to fit Bill’s body.”
Then they both embraced.

Cheers again came from the crowd. Women wept and men were touched.
Princess Esther said in Enok’s ear “Tell him he is missed and loved”
“I will your Highness” he whispered back.

And so, he said farewell to his fellow citizens and full of dreams got into the boat that would take him to Oscuro.
End of Chapter Seeds.
Tomorrow there will be a very short chapter called "Billy and me"
Stay tunned!