Author Topic: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010  (Read 4102 times)

Offline flatcat

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Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« on: November 21, 2010, 08:14:22 »
The official UK top 12 list of toys fo Cristmas 2010 has been released:

- L*** city airport £84.99

- Fireman Sam deluxe fire station playset £29.99

- FurReal Go Go walking pup £59.99

- Jet pack buzz lightyear £39.99

- Kidizoom Videocam £59.99

- Monopoly revolution £29.99

- Moon dough barn £19.99

- Nerf N Strike Stampede ECS £54.99 ;D

- Paper jamz guitar £24.99

- "Pumpaloons" action game £19.99  What the... :hmm:

- Sylvanian Families Motorcycle and sidecar £24.99

- ZhuZhu grooming salon £22.99

See the pics:

I think they have made a mistake ???

They seem to have published the top 12 crappiest with the biggest price tag toys for 2010! :lol:

(apart from the Sylvanian Families, and perhaps the Nerf N strike) >:D

This is most disapointing :(

half this tut ain't gonna be worth nut next year :lol:

Compare with 2009:

Sylvanian families makes it again

Why is Playmobil not making the top toys list in the UK ???

What are they doing wrong? the price obviously isn't an issue because L*** and Sylvanian families are on there!

Damo :)

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2010, 08:48:19 »
What new sets has Playmobil released in time for the Christmas Market?

Offline Sylvia

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2010, 11:43:38 »

Who chooses the toys for this list? Just some researchers at the Guardian? They have pretty rubbish taste. :(

I was sure that the Playmobil Pyramid set was on a "Top Toy" list last year.  :eh?:

I remember the stupid craze with the Go Go Hamsters. I wonder how many kids who received those for Christmas '09 are still playing with them now. :hmm:

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 14:14:44 »
I think the problem over all for Playmobil's lack of success for the Christmas season is due to no advertising, especially here in the USA. On the cartoon TV channels here that my grandson watches when he is with us, there are bombardments of Moon Dough, Buzz lightyear, Nerf, & Zhu Zhu pet product commercials making children say constantly I want that :hissyfit:, not realizing after a couple of weeks or months they are forgotten, broken, or missing valuable pieces. A quality toy like Playmobil should be just as sought after with dealers such as TRU, private dealers,, etc. being noted on the commercials on these key child viewed channels.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 16:47:40 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline flatcat

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2010, 14:26:41 »
I don't think people really know what Playmobil is, or haven't heard of it.

A few weeks ago I was in a toyshop, admiring the large display of blue boxes, and there was a family next to me looking at the adjacent Lego display, and picking up a couple of items.

The father then turned to his right, looking at the Playmobil and set 'What's Playmobil then, Pre built stuff?'

 :o :o :o

 :no: :no: :no:

And then when I buy Playmobil from a carbooter, or collect it from ebay, the seller always says how fantastic and great quaility toy Playmobil is, and how their kids have grown up only with Playmobil :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

I hate nothing more than going into a toyshop, or supermarket and seeing rows of cheap and utter crap toys. It is a complete waste of time and Earth's resources producing **** like that. It is completely worthless once bought, and is usually broken within 10 seconds.

But then it's what people these days buy ::) ::) ::)

Damo :)

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2010, 15:00:19 »
I think the problem over all for Playmobils lack of success for the Christmas season is due to no advertising, especially here in the USA. On the cartoon TV channels here that my grandson watches when he is with us, there are bombardments of Moon Clay, Buzz lightyear, Nerf, & Zhu Zhu pet product commercials making children say constantly I want that, not realizing after a couple of weeks or months they are forgotten, broken, or missing valuable pieces. A quality toy like Playmobil should be just as sought after with dealers such as TRU, private dealers,, etc. being noted on the commercials on these key child viewed channels.

Bill hit the nail on the head.

If there is one thing the Playmobil Collector's Club could do/should do, is convince Playmobil how important it is to advertise and promote their product.

It would only help us in both the short and long terms.  More retailers would sell Playmobil, more sales, prices would be more competitive, more people would sell their used Playmobil on kijiji and craigslist and ebay - not to mention garage sales.

Best of all and more important, other children would get to know and enjoy Playmobil!!!

Offline basilsdad

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2010, 15:25:05 »
I agree, all great ideas!
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Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2010, 16:40:27 »
As seen in the past with Cabbage Patch dolls, Zhu Zhu pets, Wii's, etc., advertising causes the want & desire! But, then there is the "sorry we're sold out" problem that would need to be addressed before a major advertising campaign starts to make sure there is adequate supply for the demand! If you don't have the proper supply for demand, it could harm Playmobil's introduction more than help it. Face it, Moon Dough?, who would even think of that if it wasn't for advertising on kids programming channels, Moon Dough? really :P?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 16:56:20 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2010, 16:47:01 »
Yes, I agree. Here in the US, I doubt if playmobil makes the top 400 list of christmas toys, simply because no one knows what it is.

It drives me crazy to be in toys r us when its really crowded and nobody is looking at playmobil. Some people will pass through the aisle and sort of glance at it and never slow down. Or some little kid will run up to a set and pick it up only to be called away by his mother to come look at something else.  ::)

I have yet to tell anyone that I collect playmobil and have them actually know what that is. And when I try to explain it they either look at me blankly or say, oh so it's like legos. The other day I found out my own DAD thought playmobil was made by LEGO!  :doh: :wall: It's so frustrating!  :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit:

I just wish they would put more in to advertising so people would take notice of it and try it. Most of them would probably be hooked for life.
My playmobil zoo:
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Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2010, 23:44:05 »
I'd love to see some Playmobil advertising that shows how it lasts for generations, not just from Christmas until New Year's Day, and it unites the generations...

Start off with a 10yo boy playing with the 1974 knights, fast forward to him (now aged 30) playing with his son with some 90s Playmobil in the mix, and jump again to the same boy (now aged 60) as a grandfather with his son and grandson, playing with current Playmobil sets, and the 90s and 70s stuff in there too. We're just about at the stage where this is becoming a reality.

As we all know, one of Playmobil's great qualities is its longevity, and Playmobil never seem to get that message across, or even try to.