Damo - you need to have a lie down and chill.
Watch that blood pressure.

Will do

I have a long standing concern over the use of advertising to children. I encouraged my kids to watch Children's BBC (no adverts) but now they watch some Disney channel (no adverts but some rubbish programmes) and Cartoon network (plenty of adverts). Playmobil do advertise on Cartoon Network and other channels and these adverts reflect the core values of the toy brand. They are not based on movies or TV programmes (though the fantasy knights echo "Lord of the Rings" and the Ghost Pirates, "Pirates of the Carribean"). They show the toys being moved by children and do not create false expectation about the playability.
I heard (a few years ago) that L*** was going down fast, but then in the last couple of yars, things seem to have picked up, and L*** is now a top toy again. And the reason, it appears, is all this liscensed stuff: Star Wars, Toy Story, Harry Potter (sorry Elaine) etc, which is a sentiment to Playmobil, in that they are still going with, from what we can see, little/poor advertising, and no liscencing of tv/film.
Hats of to you Playmobil!

(although it's probably us dedicated collectors keeping most business up)

Certain Video games aren't helping society either, but that's another rant!
