Author Topic: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010  (Read 4101 times)

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2010, 01:14:06 »
I'd love to see some Playmobil advertising that shows how it lasts for generations, not just from Christmas until New Year's Day, and it unites the generations...

Start off with a 10yo boy playing with the 1974 knights, fast forward to him (now aged 30) playing with his son with some 90s Playmobil in the mix, and jump again to the same boy (now aged 60) as a grandfather with his son and grandson, playing with current Playmobil sets, and the 90s and 70s stuff in there too. We're just about at the stage where this is becoming a reality.

As we all know, one of Playmobil's great qualities is its longevity, and Playmobil never seem to get that message across, or even try to.

Excellent idea :)9!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2010, 02:45:22 »
I LOVE that idea, Martin. You should definitely pass it along to playmobil, and maybe it will become a reality.
My playmobil zoo:
In the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.

Offline playmofirth

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2010, 09:02:22 »
Damo - you need to have a lie down and chill. ;)  Watch that blood pressure.

I would not get too worked up about these lists.  They reflect the impact of advertising and fashion and are by their nature faddish.  There are a couple of good reasons why Playmobil fails to appear - one is that is has a large range of toys therefore there is not any particular item that will make it to the top list and secondly it is more of a steady reliable toy, hence its perennial appeal.  It will be around long term where others get a year or two of sales then disappear.  in the end this is part of the appeal for people like us.

Many of these other toys advertise directly at kids and then rely on pester power  to get on Christmas lists.  Playmobil, by its nature, is not so flashy.  When they do go down this route - spies, fantasy knights and ghost pirates - we tend to get a bit snooty about it.  Let's be honest, Playmobil are in this for the long term (nearly 40 years and counting).  While PM may recognise that their product lasts for generations this is not a basis for selling to kids.

I have a long standing concern over the use of advertising to children.  I encouraged my kids to watch Children's BBC  (no adverts) but now they watch some Disney channel (no adverts but some rubbish programmes) and Cartoon network (plenty of adverts).  Playmobil do advertise on Cartoon Network and other channels and these adverts reflect the core values of the toy brand.  They are not based on movies or TV programmes  (though the fantasy knights echo "Lord of the Rings" and the Ghost Pirates, "Pirates of the Carribean").  They show the toys being moved by children and do not create false expectation about the playability.


Offline flatcat

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2010, 09:19:39 »
Damo - you need to have a lie down and chill. ;)  Watch that blood pressure.

 :lol: Will do :zz:

I have a long standing concern over the use of advertising to children.  I encouraged my kids to watch Children's BBC  (no adverts) but now they watch some Disney channel (no adverts but some rubbish programmes) and Cartoon network (plenty of adverts).  Playmobil do advertise on Cartoon Network and other channels and these adverts reflect the core values of the toy brand.  They are not based on movies or TV programmes  (though the fantasy knights echo "Lord of the Rings" and the Ghost Pirates, "Pirates of the Carribean").  They show the toys being moved by children and do not create false expectation about the playability.


I heard (a few years ago) that L*** was going down fast, but then in the last couple of yars, things seem to have picked up, and L*** is now a top toy again. And the reason, it appears, is all this liscensed stuff: Star Wars, Toy Story, Harry Potter (sorry Elaine) etc, which is a sentiment to Playmobil, in that they are still going with, from what we can see, little/poor advertising, and no liscencing of tv/film.

Hats of to you Playmobil! :hatoff: (although it's probably us dedicated collectors keeping most business up) :P

Certain Video games aren't helping society either, but that's another rant! :-X

Damo :)

Offline playmofirth

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2010, 09:51:03 »
The problem with licensing is the additional costs that are then added to the final product.  Compare the Star Wars sets with the own brand Atlantis range.

I spent several evenings with my 9 year old son building a large Lego Star Wars model but it has had limited use once built and he has not rushed to do another one he got for his birthday.

I think you greatly overestimate the role of collectors compared to traditional family purchases.  It remains a top brand for TRU, Toymaster and many independent toy shops.  I think it has good recognition with a large number of people - there will always be a lot of people with "no bloody idea" about a great toy. 

I thought it was unlucky not to feature in the James May's Toy Stories series on the BBC (Airfix, Hornby (trains), Lego, Mecanno, plastercine and Scalextric) but it is not clear how it could be "scaled up" other than by building a town. And it is not British or so well established here as the actual list.

Offline Gis

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2010, 12:55:09 »
* Gis whispers

I am quite happy to see that list actually, there are three Hasbro products in that list (Fur Real/Monopoly/Nerf) as they are my employer. If they sell well we will make our numbers. Which means more Bonus for me to buy Blue Boxes with....*grin*

Offline flatcat

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2010, 14:28:34 »
* Gis whispers

I am quite happy to see that list actually, there are three Hasbro products in that list (Fur Real/Monopoly/Nerf) as they are my employer. If they sell well we will make our numbers. Which means more Bonus for me to buy Blue Boxes with....*grin*

Do you get to play with the Nerf's round the office? :D

Damo :)

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2010, 14:40:31 »
* Gis whispers

I am quite happy to see that list actually, there are three Hasbro products in that list (Fur Real/Monopoly/Nerf) as they are my employer. If they sell well we will make our numbers. Which means more Bonus for me to buy Blue Boxes with....*grin*

 :shhhh:Your secret is safe with us, Gis! :-X As long as you're not in direct competition with any of Playmobil's creations :lol:!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Gis

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2010, 15:05:26 »
Do you get to play with the Nerf's round the office? :D

Damo :)

Unfortunately not. Although Last week I was in a pretty boring meeting and there was a loaded Nerf Gun on the shelf inches away from me. I decided to behave and didn't fire it at anyone *grin*

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Top 12 Toys for UK Christmas 2010
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2010, 17:20:42 »
I thought it was unlucky not to feature in the James May's Toy Stories series on the BBC (Airfix, Hornby (trains), Lego, Mecanno, plasticine and Scalextric) but it is not clear how it could be "scaled up" other than by building a town. And it is not British or so well established here as the actual list.

James May was probably fractionally too old to have had Playmobil when he was a boy. He was born in Jan 1963, making him 12 or 13 by the time Playpeople arrived in the UK.

Steck could have been scaled up to make a huge castle, but he would never have had Steck parts as a boy.