Author Topic: Playmobil on sale at London Drugs  (Read 2247 times)

Offline BlueWizard

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Playmobil on sale at London Drugs
« on: November 07, 2010, 19:59:47 »
As if there isn't enough playmo drifting into Winners and Chapters/Indigo (and there can never bee enough playmo!), here is another possibility for people living in western Canada.

I had posted a couple of weeks ago that London Drugs here is Victoria had a few Playmobil sets. (But nothing in Sakatoon, Wesley  :'( )... well more stores around here haven't gotten sets in - and in this week they are on sale at great prices!

They had the chicken dragon set Dragon Rock 5840 for $15, plus the take-along castle (I forget what the sale price is... maybe $20?) and 4 of the blister packs for $2 (they had 5823 merfolk, 5824 gladiators, 5825 crusaders and 5826 pirates).  Obviously I bought a bunch of each - except for the merfolk one which was out-of-stock.  At $2 a pack I just hope I don't end up buying all of the sets I find!  I did manage to leave some behind... so far.

There appears to be some confusion as to when the sale starts though because after I bought a bunch at one store I went into another and they didn't have anything on sale... said the sale didn't start until Tuesday.  So if you have a London Drugs in your area (especially Vancouver and the Lower Mainland - and hopefully in Saskatoon!) check it out this week!



Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Playmobil on sale at London Drugs
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 03:20:30 »
As if there isn't enough playmo drifting into Winners and Chapters/Indigo (and there can never bee enough playmo!), here is another possibility for people living in western Canada.

I had posted a couple of weeks ago that London Drugs here is Victoria had a few Playmobil sets. (But nothing in Sakatoon, Wesley  :'( )... well more stores around here haven't gotten sets in - and in this week they are on sale at great prices!

They had the chicken dragon set Dragon Rock 5840 for $15, plus the take-along castle (I forget what the sale price is... maybe $20?) and 4 of the blister packs for $2 (they had 5823 merfolk, 5824 gladiators, 5825 crusaders and 5826 pirates).  Obviously I bought a bunch of each - except for the merfolk one which was out-of-stock.  At $2 a pack I just hope I don't end up buying all of the sets I find!  I did manage to leave some behind... so far.

There appears to be some confusion as to when the sale starts though because after I bought a bunch at one store I went into another and they didn't have anything on sale... said the sale didn't start until Tuesday.  So if you have a London Drugs in your area (especially Vancouver and the Lower Mainland - and hopefully in Saskatoon!) check it out this week!


No Playmobil here at London Drugs.  I talked to one of the people at the store and they said BC, AB and SK and MB all have different sales flyers even because the stock at the stores by province are very different. 

It would be interesting to see if anyone n AB or MB has Playmobl at their stores.

That is a fantastic sale, though.  If it were summer and I did not have school and work I would hop on my Harley and take a road trip and see what I could find.  You don't need a reason to go riding your Harley around - it is the reason - but if you did, Playmobil would be one.

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Playmobil on sale at London Drugs
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 01:27:08 »
Well, they finall appeared here.  It must have been the speed of the pack-mules through the Rockies ...

They have the Chicken Dragon 5820 and 4 of the blister packs that you stated: 5823 merfolk, 5824 gladiators, 5825 Crusaders and 5826 pirates.

Prices are the same as you stated, $2 for each blister pack and $15 for the dragon.  I am going to try to repaint some of the merfolk and the gladiators.  I will see what I can do with the pirates, as well.  The Crusaders - well, you can never have enough Crusaders!

At this price, it is perfect to get some sets for stocking stuffers for kids.