The 2nd picture contains both genuine Playmo and China parts can you tell them apart at a quick glance?
The bootleg figure on the left is easy to spot, but probably more so because you have placed a real klicky beside it, enabling us to draw immediate comparisons between the two. The finish to the body parts (especially his arm) appears much less neat, his hair doesn't look like it fits his head properly, and the printed design on his torso is of a poorer quality than what we would generally expect to see on an official figure.

But I think that if the China-manufactured knights set was offered loose at auction, it would be very hard for a buyer to know they were fakes unless the photographs were as clear as the ones you've posted here, Garry. The shields and helmets especially are very close matches to the real Playmo ones, although the lack of detail in the tree would be an immediate giveaway to any experienced collector.

Thanks for posting these pics, Garry. Very interesting stuff.