Yesterday, while I was in Kent, I popped into an old shop where I bought the following sets:
Actually, I bought one of the police car sets there last year, and have been kicking myself eversince for not buying the iother one as well. But while I was down that way again, I thought I would pop in and see if the other one was still there - which it was
OK the boxes are a bit faded, but they have done well considering they have been there for 20 years!
The 123 ambulance I wasn't planning on getting, but I couldn't leave it there all on it's own so I bought it too.
And in fact, I am quite impressed with the box:
It's my first 123 set that I have actually gone and bought, and I just love the feel of the box, and how it has a lift up lid to display the contents
Are the latest 123 boxes still made like this?
The police cars were both £13.25 each, and the 123 £9.50.