Hello everyone!
As I’ve said in another thread I’m in the middle of a photostory production. Pre-production I should say. I haven’t started to shoot yet, but I have started getting all the props and scenery that I need.
One of those sceneries is a big Manor in a huge estate, somewhere in La Pampa or Patagonia. Anyway…. I thought it was better to build some versatile scenery that I could use in other stories or shootings, so it shouldn’t be too big, maybe made of smaller parts that I could put together depending on the final scenario that I needed. What I mean is that every part should be versatile to use. Cloths are the best option for big surfaces.
So to me the best for now was a vast green prairie, next to a beach (if possible), so next to water. Sea or river would depend on the story. Palm tress or pines. Rocks or cattle…. Etc.
I decided that in this case it would be better to leave really flat, the part where the house would be standing on, so it would have a better “grip” in the diorama. This part I made it with a fake grass used for scale model and train dioramas.
So all the rest is just experiments to get the real thing started.
See monster cat trying to assault the house!!!