i'd like to be knight #26! I don't usually get too into the knights theme, but i'll get my husband in on it, as he collects them.
Great to have you(r husband) joining our tournament bonniebeth!! I'll amend the picture tomorrow.
I have to say Gis that my favorite is number 18!
Hmm, Wolf Knight has already chosen this one Baden. Or were you just expressing that that is your favorite. There are still a couple left...why don't you pick one to be your champion and join us? (see below for availability!
Could you give me 'Black lion head slashed' number 28?
I'd be proud to represent Flanders on the tournament!
Very nice tanotrooper as a part time Belgium I am happy you are willing to represent your country!
The following knights are still available:
2) Yellow Pleated
19) Bull Knight Slashed
25) Silver Axe Slashed
29) Eagle Knight Slashed
Of course any other knight can also enroll so there are still lots of options!