Reserve a seat for my King Giorginetto and his Queen right in the front . After all with an army of pretty much 1500 klickies by now he commands resepct and might and his Champion with many years of experience is here to win
An opening title for his majesty ' Royals, Citizens and Peasants welcome in the name of God King Girginetto and his Queen Arnfasta. King of the Royal Kingdom of Iseroth and 5 more kingdoms. A dragon slayer and Jousting champion , never defeated by human nor dragon '...
An opening for King Giorginetto's Champion ' Royals, Citizens and Peasants welcome in the name of God King Girginetto's Jousting Champion, Dragon Slayer of Tiamat Dragon , leader of the King's Knights in the defeat of Yellow Dragon Knights Kingdom, Unbeaten Champion of the king , Sir Agnar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'