I love this conversation! It's surreal!!! How did we pass from Playmobil to long hair guys getting married?Loved Bill's comment!
oh yes , i never had that problem these are the hair of my dreams http://www.network54.com/Realm/Loom/LeonaboatsSM.jpg
Your link is not working Alex... it there another one?
... wot we'll pretend that we get married so i'll get the presents i'll give you a piece of cake too
No no, I tried getting them braided once... It hurt and it looked very bad! I prefer to keep it in the ponytail I have it in now.
we are not 'off-topic' ...still on Playmobil.....very interesting turn guys!!....so now I understand your interest in japanese playmobil...this is you right?
Lol, not quite Cheng... Little lower, Like 1700's hair cut!