My apologies for the dark sort of topic (feel free to delete if it does not fit the atmosphere), but I've been pondering this thought for a while now.
I was perusing craigslist one day and came across some lovely ships for sale by a widow who stated that the ships were her husband's hobby until he passed on.
It made me think about how much work, and time, and money I've poured into my collection and customized pieces, and made me wonder, "What happens to this all after we pass on?"
Will my kids play with it? Take care of it? Continue on with it? Pass it to their kids? Will it remind them of me and fond memories? Or will it be a painful reminder of a dad they no longer have? Will my significant other simply sell them off, dispersed back into the Playmobil world to other fans with whom the toys can live on with? Or will these toys end up in the rubbish or at the donation bin? And even if our survivors sell them off, will they know which part goes to what, and what their fair market value is?
And what of our customs, the toys we fashioned exactly to our unique specifications, that speak to who we were as individual people? What becomes of those once we pass? Do they go to someone who can appreciate them? Or become lost in a plastic bin of parts and pieces?
I want to know your thoughts.
I guess nothing is forever, so the fact that we play with these toys now is a tribute to our commitment towards LIVING the life we have now, and enjoying it and sharing it with others while we still can. I love my life. I just want to know what happens to it next.