Author Topic: What happens to our collections after we pass on?  (Read 14214 times)

Offline BlackPearl2006

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What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« on: September 17, 2010, 17:02:00 »
My apologies for the dark sort of topic (feel free to delete if it does not fit the atmosphere), but I've been pondering this thought for a while now.

I was perusing craigslist one day and came across some lovely ships for sale by a widow who stated that the ships were her husband's hobby until he passed on.

It made me think about how much work, and time, and money I've poured into my collection and customized pieces, and made me wonder, "What happens to this all after we pass on?"

Will my kids play with it? Take care of it?  Continue on with it?  Pass it to their kids?  Will it remind them of me and fond memories?  Or will it be a painful reminder of a dad they no longer have?  Will my significant other simply sell them off, dispersed back into the Playmobil world to other fans with whom the toys can live on with?  Or will these toys end up in the rubbish or at the donation bin?  And even if our survivors sell them off, will they know which part goes to what, and what their fair market value is?

And what of our customs, the toys we fashioned exactly to our unique specifications, that speak to who we were as individual people?  What becomes of those once we pass?  Do they go to someone who can appreciate them?  Or become lost in a plastic bin of parts and pieces?

I want to know your thoughts.

I guess nothing is forever, so the fact that we play with these toys now is a tribute to our commitment towards LIVING the life we have now, and enjoying it and sharing it with others while we still can.  I love my life.  I just want to know what happens to it  next.
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Offline tonguello

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 17:19:40 »
oh wow! I've been wondering about this too. Most of all because I have no wife, kids or nephews to leave my playmos to. Only my sister share this passion with me though she is not that into it like I am. So I often wonder what would become of them. I suppose my sister will keep them to hold or pass to her future kids.
That would be if I go....tomorrow. (hope not)
But what if I leave my playmos 50 years from now, when kids are no kids anymore? when sister is too old to care.... and the rest of family and friends are sick and tired of me and my toys!  :P
Well I just hope that some of my nephews inherit my love for this little guys. So I'll make that my job.
If not, I hope they pass to someone who would love them as I do.
But if I have the time, I'll give them away, to fellow colectors and friends, that I know would appreciate them.
Que sera, sera.

...“But waiting can’t be bad, for plastic men, as I have learnt, are made to wait when playing's done”...
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Offline BlueWizard

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010, 17:45:58 »
I've thought a lot about this too... I even kept the sets organised in bags.  But now I want to enjoy them for me!  So somebody else will have to figure out their value and what goes with what when I'm gone - could be lots of fun considering all of the customizing I've done!  I might scout out a "suitable" heir one day - somone who really appreciates playmobil.


Offline Elric

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 18:01:05 »
I have two small children that would get my stash. I'm trying to get them hooked on it right now. They love it when I bring out the sets. I guess you document what you have and give ballpark figures at what they are worth.

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 18:36:55 »
I'm having a massive tomb constructed by slaves, somewhere in the Oregon desert, but there's another 50 years construction required. All my klickies are going to be buried with me, and a in a few thousand years someone will dig them all up and wonder who this poweful king was, who could have all his subjects modelled in miniature and buried with him.

Offline WarriorOfToys

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2010, 20:15:03 »
I'm having a massive tomb constructed by slaves, somewhere in the Oregon desert, but there's another 50 years construction required. All my klickies are going to be buried with me, and a in a few thousand years someone will dig them all up and wonder who this poweful king was, who could have all his subjects modelled in miniature and buried with him.

Yup, I have thought of doing that as well.
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Offline skypurr

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2010, 20:41:17 »
I'm having a massive tomb constructed by slaves, somewhere in the Oregon desert, but there's another 50 years construction required. All my klickies are going to be buried with me, and a in a few thousand years someone will dig them all up and wonder who this poweful king was, who could have all his subjects modelled in miniature and buried with him.

 ;D ;D ;D
I do like this idea!
Seeing that my husband is complaining because I have put a klicky keyring on the car keys I don't expect he'll want them around; :lol:
However the way prices are rising I can see me having to sell everything when we have to fund Junior through university  :o  so they may not still be around when I 'pass on'!!

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Offline Andy R

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2010, 22:57:29 »
My apologies for the dark sort of topic (feel free to delete if it does not fit the atmosphere), but I've been pondering this thought for a while now.
I don’t think anybody minds much;)
In answer to your question, mine goes to my kids (or grandkids if they’re too old). If I didn’t have kids, I probably would pass them onto a children’s hospital.
If I’m jealous, you did SOMETHING right. Keep it up. :D
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Offline cheng

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2010, 01:01:04 »
my kids and all the kids I've ever shown to before....none were ever interested, maybe my future grand children...maybe  ;) (but they'll never appreciate our customs the way we do since we lovingly built it and bought them ourselves, little by little)

Its I who have 'inherited' things and toys left behind by my brother, sister and my kids  :P
and who's giving away, recycling, dusting, cleaning, displaying, storing there's no hope

If we can only know when we'll be leaving, then there's always collector friends to give to or start selling in ebay  ;)

but otherwise, my terracotta soldier wont survive because I'll probably be cremated   0) what a macabre post  ::) will have to look at some cheery posts after this...sorry folks...I'm outa here!!!  :lol: 

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: What happens to our collections after we pass on?
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2010, 02:44:29 »
I guess you can say that Gepetto :-[! I've finally surrendered a little! I'm no longer a Playmobil purist any more! The problem with customizing in this manner is, I'm the only one who knows how, & what something is customized, & where the original parts are to return the items back to their original form! The other mystery will be all of the eBay job lots of hundreds, if not thousands of individual items added that were not totally complete with all of the little accessories, etc. or DS parts projects used to enhance a photo story or display, for example, a coffee maker with coffee pot, & cups added to a fire station interior photo story, someone will say, where did that come from, so, if something happens to me the secrets go with me >:D!

True, but I doubt they will appreciate my efforts! Everything will just be dumped into boxes :no:! Hey! Maybe we need to start a "Playmofreinds last will and testament service" so our collections will be forwarded to others who will carry on the appreciation instead of being condemned to estate auctions! As proof from the age poll, there are definately enough of us old farts to justify this needed service :giggle:!

Back when  I was with the IPMS and the HO railroaders we had a network of 'Hobby Buddies' that were designated to attend to the disposition of our collections in the event of our untimely demise. The purpose was to make sure that collections that had been created over decades went to others who would appreciate them and not just become garage sale fodder due to a spouse or family that did not understand what the value (both real and relative to others in the hobby) of a collection was. 

This was a real source of relief for many of us and I can remember several instances where this avoided some really unfortunate situations from occurring.


Just some thoughts that were discussed in a prior topic board between Gepetto & myself.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 02:56:07 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!