Hello everyone. As yesterday and part of today didn't have internet conection, I wisely used my time to reorganize my collection, and my instructions folder and take some pics. I feel that, compared to every other collection I've seen around here, mine is quite small...... but lovely.

On one hand, I see some diferences in the way I collect.
F.e. I don't make dioramas so I don't have the need to repeat sets or figures. I have only one of each. And I only buy 100% complete sets. Other point is that here is not easy to find good stuff..... or just stuff. The offer down here is very limited. And third is the price. One SPECIAL imported from Germany here costs 10 dollars at a toy's store!! And the cheapest crapy set from Antex ...... costs 10 dollars too! can you believe that? Anyway, it will slowly grow.

All I have is displayed in showcases or fishtanks, except for those vintage sets that still need cleaning or have some part missing, so I wouldn't have to dust any toy. I have two fishtanks in the processing of fabrication (for Noah's arc and for the Xmas manger)
AS I don't have much space left they are kinda cramped together, but anyway......happy!

This is my Special showcase. It has a glass door btw. There was at some point a glimpse of an organization lay out, that you still can see, but got lost after the thrid time I had to move everything to place a klickie in between other two. So now they just like to be mixed up!! They don't complain.

And here is what I call fishtank. Don't know if that is the name. It is just an acrylic box, good for places where you can't put glass doors. So A lot more of this will come.
That's all for now, more thmes yet to come tomorrow. Hope you enjoy these.