Oh course this thread was all based on a small war with any east coaster...
But I guess we can go on to talking about the war next summer.
I will be on Giorginetto's team I think.
Not because he has more people, or because he is more likely to win...
But because if you guys had me on your team he would be sure to loose!
Still, you guys will be hard pressed if it is a siege you are going after Giorginetto in...
In a desired siege, the attackers want to have about 3 times as many men as the defenders.
Needles to say, I think that is excessive...
And it begins to get a little too muddled with that many people.
Less tactics, and more brute strength is involved in a siege like that.
(Which is hardly as much fun...
I can't wait, defiantly hoping I can come!