As collector/customizer of pirates & soldiers, to me this is indeed the best blister (not set!) Playmobil released (will release) sofar.
Indeed it would have been better if both figures were sold seperately.
But the Redcoat is really
, his torso is new and the hat is great.
The pirate's upperbody is also new and is very nice
, from what I can see from the pics.
I'll try to buy 11 - 21 of them, depending on my budget.
(uneven numbers: 10 or 20 soldiers + 1 officer).
Okay, I'll have too many of the pirates but I think he's really good for customizing. The yellow "egyptian" shirt-sleeves (only seen - at least with caucasian arms - in white sofar in 2 sets: US exclusive 5865 and the European/US Pirate Tower 4776) can be used on other pirates or medieval klickies with such yellow shirts. The legs can be used for other pirates or sailors, like the hairpiece which is also very suitable for soldiers (non-officers). And you can allways trade him, sell 'm or whatever...