Total Members Voted: 30
You know what the thing with PM is ... EVERY fan-made custom I see (including the ones I make and I'm hardly an expert) are almost always better than the stuff they come up with at Zirndorf. It's mighty annoying that the people who are paid good money do not deliver the goods, while we, the fans, keep drooling, fantasising and bitching about the endless possibilities we could come up with if only ...
Well, when Zirndorf would produce a "perfect" set, we can use for ACW, wouldn't it be boring? Just open the box, stick together and ready. No customizing use anymore? So we take a part of these box, another part of these box and so on. Till we have the soldier we like. Wouldn't you miss something?
Mmm. You have a point. But still, there is only so much money one can spend on PM, and I can't be buying 5 different klickies, taking the head from this one, the torso from the other one, etc, in order to have the perfect figure.
And I'm not even going into the issue of the environment + plastics + carbon footprints eh ...
You know, sometimes I dream about being a machine operator at the Playmobil factory: I'd just walk past a huge mound of coifs, or rifles, and I'd scoop a big handful and shove them down my pockets I'm a bit sad, that way. It's a bit like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but with Playmo instead of the chocolate