I agree that the pirate is not useful in quantities (except to Cheng for its legs
), but he is a great klicky all by himself. I also agree with Martin that the redcoat would have been better with a musket, bayonet, and harness instead of his incorrect for the period sword and shoulder belt, but these are easily changed. He could be easily converted into a proper officer with a simple epaulette, cuff, hat, and sword change. I'm just glad to have two new excellent looking klickies.
Has anyone actually seen 5799 in the flesh? Even if it is real, Playmobil made a huge mistake by not using the Union Special. Those are REALLY useful while the one in this blister is only officer material and already available as an Add-On.
Colonel Klicky, thanks for pointing out where the redcoat's legs came from. I wasn't aware of that set.