Well here is the last costum I made. I saw in Just for Clicks a costum by Krystal that I loved! And I thought of making myself one. It was the Amelia Earthart clicky. I tried to make my own version and it turned out to be pretty similar to the original though I made it a little more realistic. The hat for instance is diferent, has more details and is more alike to the hats used by aviators at the time. On the other hand she is not that feminine in my version.
The hat is from a hunter's set and was modified. The lenses (don't know the name in english) are made of what you would call milliput (?), the stripe is a packaging wire. The jacket was also modified and added with milliput fur. Everything, including the hair was airbrushed, except for the boots originaly black.
Hope you like it!
Thanx Krystal for the inspiration!