
Which part do you think play the most important role customizing your klickies?

Weapons or tools

Author Topic: How do you accessorize your klickies??  (Read 4455 times)

Offline cowabounga

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2010, 10:41:12 »
I'd say that what I lack the most is belts. Though there's been a lot of new belts issued recently, they're still hard to come by. Plus, Playmobil will NEVER sell belts in the DS because they're always part of the core figure which is officially not to be dismantled.
The idea for a custom figure sometimes comes from one single part: e.g. this sword there was only this sheath that was large enough to hold it so I decided to make a knight who would only carry this big sword and a shield. The figure came naturally:

Yet, basically, since I do mostly knights customs, the most important part is the shield, because the colour of the shield and the colours of the design on it will determine every other parts, like arms, torso and legs.

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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2010, 10:54:30 »

Yet, basically, since I do mostly knights customs, the most important part is the shield, because the colour of the shield and the colours of the design on it will determine every other parts, like arms, torso and legs.

I will agree with you Arnaud! I like to have a shield matching the colours of the klicky, not something random!

Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2010, 13:39:20 »
I'm sorry for going slightly off-topic but Arnaud is such a cool name, ESPECIALLY for someone who's into the Middle Ages  ;D

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Offline cowabounga

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2010, 14:22:52 »
It has a German origin. Sadly though, it sounds awful when you say it with an English accent!
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Offline Justindo

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2010, 19:47:55 »
Nice custom, Arnaud! :)
:egypt: :roman: :viking: :knight: :arrr: :indian: :cowboy:

Offline playmo1989

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2010, 23:19:48 »
i can't choose either because all are important  :) but i voted for the hair thought because it's on the head of the clicky as the hats as well ....
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Offline Gustavo

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2010, 06:01:49 »
I chose neckwear, maybe it's the first in the order as garments ...

From the options, here's how I make characters:

(3) Headwear / (2) Neckwear / (2) Cloaks / (0 ) shoes / (0 ) Armwear / (3) Weapons or tools / (2) Hairstyle
(0 ) the type of head (mustache, freckles, spectacles etc.) / (1) the hairstyle / (1) and the beard

Step 0 ) Choose/customize the klicky (with existing parts, no painting, only swapping legs, arms, &c.)


1. Hair colour. More important than style. It may vary the style, accordingly, but the colour generally has to be defined for the character, and the character to fit that hair colour! Also, of course, hair changes with period/age. I like to use common "classic" klicky hair for young ones (except when with beard), and variants for older ones. But it may vary. Sir Elmo's style I call "principesco" (prince-like, noble-like); the funny long hair of 3863 I call "model 2". There's the old curly, and the "roman" styles too. These are the main ones. (There's short and long pony ...)


1 "classic" or "common"
2 "model 2"
3 "principesco" (I'd call it "noble", in English)
4 "curly"
& 5 "Roman"

Beards. There's quite a few. I only name the main ones: "classic" (with or without moustache), "model 2" and "curly". & Sideburns

Painted moustache. Three kinds as well: light, medium, & moustachon.

As for hair colours: black, brown, blond, red/rufus, grey (or white).


2) The neck. It's very important to me. They have to wear something that fits and looks good. Cloaks, to me, go with the neck (and, therefore, respective breast painting, that is supposed to fit.


3) hats/helmets & tools are outside the individual. Sometime the klicky will have to change clothes (a knight to have a civilian garment ...), but he has still to be recognized.

Offline Gustavo

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2010, 06:09:05 »
I have very few girls yet ... :-[
(They are like Smufette / .. Strumpf~~ (?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smurfette or Schtroumpfette.)


Offline Heronimus

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2010, 03:29:56 »

Thanks for the reply....sure people are all different when they are customizing, but your message serves very well as a guide for beginners :wave:

Yes, it would be great if the poll could be rank so we can get the weighted score of these parts.
I too agree sometimes the neckwear is quite important. Would you mind suggesting some killer pieces? So we newbies can order them from DS :wave:

Offline Gustavo

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Re: How do you accessorize your klickies??
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2010, 18:20:23 »
Oh, it depends a lot on style & personal taste.

I'm in a time without many options. (I began gathering playmo again since 2008, and still don't have much.)

I love the 3021 Royal Banquet (Fairy Tale Castle, see catalogue on http://www.collectobil.com/, it doens't allow linking) neckwears, they serve for both medieval and Renaissance, and even pirates.

I also like the thief neckwear of Blacksmith superset 3125 (Knights). (I don't have any of these I mentioned ... We don't have DS here, where I live :-[ )

I love the style of the klicky of Ox Cart 3891, because it has a civilian garment under its armour. It's very clever for a knight. (I keep always trying to make civilian (party/village) clothes for my knights, because I like medieval city life :) ...
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 18:38:16 by Gustavo »