I chose neckwear, maybe it's the first in the order as garments ...
From the options, here's how I make characters:
(3) Headwear / (2) Neckwear / (2) Cloaks / (0 ) shoes / (0 ) Armwear / (3) Weapons or tools / (2) Hairstyle
(0 ) the type of head (mustache, freckles, spectacles etc.) / (1) the hairstyle / (1) and the beard
Step 0 ) Choose/customize the klicky (with existing parts, no painting, only swapping legs, arms, &c.)
1. Hair colour. More important than style. It may vary the style, accordingly, but the colour generally has to be defined for the character, and the character to fit that hair colour! Also, of course, hair changes with period/age. I like to use common "classic" klicky hair for young ones (except when with beard), and variants for older ones. But it may vary. Sir Elmo's style I call "principesco" (prince-like, noble-like); the funny long hair of
3863 I call "model 2". There's the old curly, and the "roman" styles too. These are the main ones. (There's short and long pony ...)
1 "classic" or "common"
2 "model 2"
3 "principesco" (I'd call it "noble", in English)
4 "curly"
& 5 "Roman"
Beards. There's quite a few. I only name the main ones: "classic" (with or without moustache), "model 2" and "curly". & Sideburns
Painted moustache. Three kinds as well: light, medium, & moustachon.
As for hair colours: black, brown, blond, red/rufus, grey (or white).
2) The neck. It's very important to me. They have to wear something that fits and looks good. Cloaks, to me, go with the neck (and, therefore, respective breast painting, that is supposed to fit.
3) hats/helmets & tools are outside the individual. Sometime the klicky will have to change clothes (a knight to have a civilian garment ...), but he has still to be recognized.