I have a whole folder on this, in my facebook (.../playmobileiro).
My best playmo set EVER is the
Tailor's house, 3440.
The one that counts as #2 is the 3740,
("fair") Schooner.
the Blacksmith robber, 3125.
#4 (maybe #1 of the moment) is the (complete)
Treehouse, 4460 (
attached). (By "complete" I mean, with accessories
I'm crazy about it mainly because it's my dream house for Fletcher the Adventurer!
There are loads of (er .. not loads, but quite a few) others in the album, but these are the main ones.
I was crazy about the blue timbered house, I got one, in the end of 2009. Also, the Royal Kitchen, 4251, which I eventually got as well, around those days. A friend sent me a 4444 Kanonensegler, so, I have a good boat, don't need more than this for now, for present projects.
(I've been getting myself dreaming about the Royal Treasure (4255), since I began using the Kitchen as Feorctegot's home, I liked the room, and would like to improve it, but, to tell the truth, I need more timbered houses before, I think, as well as trees and landscape (stones) which I hope to manage to get reasonably soon ...)
That's about it.