Thanks, all, for the warm welcome.
Barbie wasn't so bad...but I'm still not that into clothes. And I had a very feminist mother and grew up in the seventies when toys weren't so horribly gendered. I love that Playmobil seems to live in a gender neutral section of the toystore.
Aside from a few 123s, we got our son his first Playmobil - the hospital bed - before having dental work done under GA. Playing beforehand seemed to make the hospital experience less scary.
He just started primary school yesterday and asked and asked for us to reassemble the school (we moved about six weeks ago - possibly to have enough room to separate the baby from the Playmobil -and everything is in disarray). He's not the type of kid who verbalizes his anxieties, and I find that the detailed little world of Playmobil helps him to talk about what he's feeling in life. Except for the parts where people shrink, get huge, or fly.
He really enjoys watching the movies on Youtubr, so that may be our next project. After I seek everyones help in finding assembly sheets for our stuff (I kept recycling them, foolishly assuming they'd be available online).