What's about french history then? 
The zouaves are originally north african troops from Algeria serving in the french army. They get known for their bravery in the crimean war. This was the reason why this troops and their uniforms were adopted by several volunteer regiments on both sides of the american civil war.
- Colonel Klicky
Yes I read that on the website...
Still, that is later then I usually study.

I study mostly Medieval, around the years 1000AD - 1300AD
Mainly the Crusades.
Though I do "drift" a lot...

Into the Napoleonic wars, and much earlier to the early Greeks.
(I even watched a 2 hour video about the Hittites.)
I have studied Rome quite a lot,
And little snippets of everything else.
So I do know a little about lots,
But only really
focus on early Medieval, and pre-Medieval.