Last but not least, because I think it’s important, here’s her outfit inventory:
Ø1 Compass (with sticker, part numbers 3Ø 25 981Ø/3Ø 88 1132);
Ø4 cannonballs;
Ø3 rifles (currently various; eventually it will be Ø5 brown scope rifles, part number 3Ø 27 636Ø);
Ø1 bayonet (eventually it will be Ø5);
Ø4 dark grey long barrel pistols (part number 3Ø Ø9 544Ø; One is in the belt of Seamen OBOK, J);
Ø2 silver daggers (part number 3Ø 22 889Ø; one is in the belt of Seamen OBOK, T, and eventually it will be Ø5 of them);
Ø3 handcuffs (eventually it will be 1Ø; Ø1 is mounted to the ship);
Ø2 dark orange small barrels (part number 3Ø 45 876Ø) for powder;
Ø5 assorted jars and cans;
Ø3 light brown small barrels (part number 3Ø 45 6Ø5Ø);
Ø1 dark green narrow necked flattened sphere flask (part number 3Ø 28 163Ø);
Ø1 yellow bowl with handle (part number 3Ø Ø8 126Ø);
Ø1 grey short-handled spade (from part number 3Ø 6Ø 936Ø; eventually I’ll have to add the boathook and axe as well);
Ø1 yellow handle grey firefighter’s axe (part number 3Ø Ø9 898Ø);
Ø1 grey push broom (part number 3Ø Ø9 7ØØØ); and
Ø1 brown wooden bucket with black handle for wooden bucket (part numbers 3Ø Ø2 675Ø/3Ø Ø2 676Ø)
Some parts are subject to change, but most likely won’t. I will be adding some parts, however (navigational gear, for example) and switching others (such as replacing her musket and blunderbuss with scoped rifles).